Monday, February 28, 2011

HILARIOUS! You gotta see this...

Jonah dancing to the song "Splish Splash I Was Takin a Bath". He gets so into it. He loves it, and the music. Too funny...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hey, every bit counts...This is what friends do...

Two of our Aurora friends, ex-neighbors, run the Chicago Marathon every year. This year they are doing it to raise awareness and money for Pancreatic Cancer. Wow, what good friends.

If you can help, please do. Look up Allison and Vince Wardein's page to donate. I did.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Samuel and Sepporah

Here are some pictures of the boy and girl. Samuel has many facial expressions. He is very serious in the morning and when he wakes up from a nap. He then is happy until he is hungry or tired, which is instantaneousness. There is no warning...


Cold Serious

Curious Serious

Angry Serious

Always Happy

Feed me faster Serious

Sepporah's birthday cake

I think I just pooped Serious

Just Serious

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I have a sneaky feeling he's sucking up to me

This 'lil bugger already owns me. It's these smiles... I think he's already learned the lesson of give/return. He give's a cute little smile, jabbers, waves his hands, then spends the next 20 minutes basking in the gushing. He already knows he can get anything with charm.


Friday, February 4, 2011

Yet another update of SIUC

Hi, Thompson clan!

I am back again to update you all on my life as a freshman in college. It's second semester and compared to first semester, it's going quite well. I am taking four classes: Chemistry, Biology, English Composition, and FRENCH. Yes, french. It feels as if I knew what to expect for the semester and I hope it will go much smoother. I have even more motivation than ever before.

I have made some amazing friends that I will be spending spring break with in Florida!

For the future: I will be transferring to UW-Milwaukee and I can't wait.

Just an update. Miss you all!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Claire Plays the G Chord

Claire started guitar lessons a few weeks ago. Her little fingers are remarkably adept at finding the chord shapes. It must be genetic...