Sunday, November 28, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thompson Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

I believe we all had a great time this year. First, a good meal. Moms/Grandmas/GG's cranberry shortbread. Games. Family photo. That awesome pizza. More games. Kirsten beat us all in a highly contested game of Scattergories. Sorry Daniel.

As you can see by the photo, we have a whole new crop of young ones. Cole kind of genuinely smiled in this photo! So it was a success. Jonah, et al., was with us in spirit.

Here's to many more!

Grumpa Happy.

Jonah is doing well. He's feeding. Throwing an occasional tantrum. And he is already asking for me to hold him. I oblige every chance I get. We are hoping he is released Sunday. There's some good football on and his daddy, Bryan, is anxious for some father/son bonding. : ) Plus I think Chuckles is anxious to meet his new bro.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jonah update

I flew home today to meet my new grandson. He's doing much better. At the Cardinal Glennon Neonatal ICU. Poor little guy has had a rough start, some fever, breathing issues. But the antibiotics appear to be working. They took most of the tubes and central line out. But he is scheduled to remain there for 5-7 days.

Bless his heart, he's so sweet. Gentle. He did show some spirit when hungry so that's good.

Regardless, this is a true Thanksgiving. And selfishly, I got to really spend some time gazing at him. A very special day.

This pic of him gazing at his daddy was special.

Monday, November 22, 2010