Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pink Pigs are funny, I don't care who you are...

So, proud grandparents are at Walmart and find this squeaky toy that sends Jonah into hysterics. So for 20 minutes we oink the pig while folks look at us like we're nuts. I am sure you could hear it all over the store. But proud grandparents are in their own world and squeak away regardless. And it was worth every squeeze. We haven't heard him laugh out loud in person too much so we were just going nuts with it. Poor Jonah got all laughed out. But Grammy snuck it to the cash register and it's now at home. He loves it.

While I have you--my recovery: It's going well. No complications from the surgery. Just a nasty painful scar to deal with, sudden bouts of fatigue, and weakness due to loss of weight. But being back in Edwardsville is doing me wonders. I gain a little stamina every day. Like today at Walmart--the first time I've made it through a full excursion without having to go sit in the car. And I've been working on unpacking all the clothing from my apartment--moving it in--hanging it up. So light chores are really helping to get stronger. And I've been eating like that squeaky pig. Karen made good old fashioned tater tot casserole tonight, with bison meat, and I stuffed myself.

And then my fabulous brother in law cooks grilled chicken for me, fish and other. Then to top it off out local Annie's custard place has a baby sized chocolate custard with chopped nuts that I can manage without affecting my sugar too much so I am going to fit my jeans again in no time.

When I'm not eating or finding shores, I take advantage of the hammock Karen got me. When I need rest that's where I am--hours at a time. I don't sleep--I just rest, think, and thank God for seeing me through this ordeal. I am blessed.

I hope to see most all of you at the reunion!



Betty said...

Jonah, if we could read your thoughts while Grammy is squeaking that pig!!! It amazes me how a baby can get adults to do things by just laughing.

Steve, so glad you are doing so well.

trish said...

I want to laugh just thinking of it! Enjoy Every minute!!!