Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sepporahs Prayer

From Jessica:

A morning ritual that Sepporah and I have is that she will crawl into bed with me to chit chat till she is fully awake. This morning was no different but what she said was so precious. It will be one of those moment that I will treasure forever.
The conversation went like this.
"Why do you pray?" Sepporah asked. I explained to talk to my Heavenly Father. "Why do you call Him your Heavenly Father?" she asked. "Because He is my Father who lives in Heaven" I tried to explain. She then moved on to ask me if she could pray for my Uncle who is having surgery on Friday. This was her sweet prayer.

"Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for my sleep and the nice day. I pray that Uncle Bill won't have to have surgery. Because I don't want him to hurt. Uncle Ron will quit drinking beer so he won't die and G-pa Leoni will quit drinking beer and quit smoking so he won't die. Amen."

She was genuine. Her heart was layed out before God. I don't think I've ever heard such a sweet prayer.

I thank God for Sepporah and for bringing her into my life. I know he has great things in store for her.

I love that little girl with all my heart.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Little Princess

It's hard to believe that 6 years ago today was the happiest and scariest day of my life.  Sepporah was born a few weeks early on January 28, 2003, and her lungs were underdeveloped. She was in intensive care at Childrens Hospital for a week and each night I went to bed not knowing if I would still have her the next morning. I still remember the first time I held her. Right after she was born, they took her away because she was struggling to breath. I still remember watching her through the glass struggling to breath. 24 hours later they had to transport her to Childrens Hospital and before they did, they finally let me hold her. I dont think I have ever cried that hard again. About a week later, they gave her a drug for her lungs to speed up their development, and the Mighty Sepporah was born. Its hard to imagine that the same little girl I wrestle with now and struggle to keep up with was born premature. Words really can't express how much I love her.  Happy Birthday Sepporah.....Daddy loves you so much!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Day The Blondes Were Born

Today is Sarah and Phyllis's Birthday, two very special people in our lives. And if that wasn't enough, a special little person, Sepporah, will turn 6 tomorrow. SIX YEARS OLD. Happy Birthday ladies.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Be Careful What You Joke About

I was about to make a joke that we should put out an APB on Grandma and Grandpa because a) Grandma wasn't commenting on the blog and b) she hadn't returned my emails this week. It turns out that, yes, it does take an actual medical emergency to keep her off this thing:

In her words:

Monday night I was awakened with a severe heaviness in my chest. My heart went out of rhythm and was pounding. It's called atrofibrillation. Grandpa called 911 and they thought I should go to the hospital. I just came home this morning, Friday. They put me on medicine and because there are some serious side affects to it, they had to monitor me to make sure it would work for me. I had to take the pills five times (twice a day) before I could leave. It is supposed to help regulate the rhythm and keep that from happening again, hopefully. Tests showed that my heart was not damaged. I am fine now. I got so bored lying in bed and being hooked up to that IV thing.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Johnson side of the Thompson clan went to an indoor water park this past weekend. It became obvious really quick that Cole did NOT like the water especially when it got in his face. Titus is just the opposite. He loves the water.

When we got home, I gave them a bath and here is an example of Titus' response to water in his face.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Your Face'll Freeze Like That

When I was a kid, uncle Steven told me that if I kept leaving my mouth hanging open, it would freeze like that. Now that I'm an adult and know a little bit more of my uncle's sense of humor, I can see that the joke was probably as much about the silliness of those kinds of false truisms that get passed on from generation to generation despite themselves than any kind of laugh at my expense. But what's also funny is how what he said stayed with me. How I chewed on that idea for years. Really? My mouth can freeze that way? (Cole's mouth is pretty much open during all of his waking hours, so I can't wait to try this out on him.)

But this got me thinking about these kinds of moments. Where people say something that sticks with you, and maybe even makes a life change for you going forward. For instance, another thing that I remember uncle Steven telling me was that I shouldn't put salt on my fries. When I asked why he said that salt served no real purpose in the body and that it just collected water and weight. This made sense to me and I stopped salting my food from that moment on. True story.

Does anybody else have a story along these lines they'd like to share?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Tiny Tear in the Fabric of the Universe

So I'm standing in the living room of my friend A.J. making small talk when it happened. I had come by to borrow a midi controller and it was my first time setting foot in his home. We had digressed about cats, Christian rock and a pretty mindblowing concept for a screenplay based on A.J.'s recent breakup when I looked across the room and saw it. And my speech slurred to a stop. "Wha–? Is that... I don't, under...."

A.J. stared at me, perplexed, his big, sweet Ewok eyes growing wider. He said nothing.

"Why do you have that...? I mean, what is that? I just don't understand."

I was staring at this painting, on the cover of an LP, which he had framed and set on his table.

And the tiny tear in the fabric of the universe happened in my brain, which short-circuited because I couldn't understand what multiple levels of perverse indie irony had caused someone to create a retro-tinged oil painting of spoof-epic Tropic Thunder's Kirk Lazurus (actually the white actor Robert Downey Jr. in blackface), and dress him in WWII-era pilot garb.

I heard A.J., as if from a great distance, mumbling something about Jazz composer Thelonious Monk and great deals on frames from Urban Outfitters, but I had already fallen down the rabbit hole.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Newest member of the Thompson family

I would like for everyone to meet the newest member of the Thompson Blog. My mustache. Sepporah has named it "Dude".....please not be afraid of it....embrace it.

Christopher Fails the Thompson Madness Questionnaire

Oh, Christopher....

Christopher Johnson

Describe your hairstyle in two words or less.

Short and Free
What is your favorite song?

Any song that isn’t from the High School Musicals….

How Great Thou Art

What is the last thing that totally blew your mind.

My mom’s ability to spank me through email.

How's your love life?

Baseball is going good…….

JK… I love Jessica with all my heart.

If there's one dessert you could eat until it hurts, what would it be?

JESSICAS BANANA PUDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When is your bedtime?

When ever I fall asleep. But I try and get to bed around 9ish.

Einstein said: "A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin. What else does a man need to be happy?" Customize this quote to fit yourself.

I wish I could punch Einstein in the face.
What is your most under appreciated attribute?

My high level of sarcasm. For some reason it really upsets my mom and I have absolutely no idea why. (sense the sarcasm.)

What is your pet's name?

How much can you bench press?

About 4 Daniels

Quick, how old are Betty and Leroy Thompson?


And what are they really doing with all that free time?

I think Grandma cries over the sarcasm on the blog, and Grandpa is getting the movie The Tales of Value for his grandkids to watch again….and again…and again…..

Will you announce your candidacy this year?

I do not like this question, and will not respond to it.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Here Comes the Third

Mary is expected and is due August 5th. That is just between Dan and Chris' birthday. Wonder if she'll have the baby on one of their birthdays.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Titus's Pasta Face/Rage Face

Apparently Titus not only inherited the Phyllis/Matt gene that causes him to roll his tongue backward and bite it when concentrating.... he also inherited Matt's childhood instant temper.