Monday, August 31, 2009

Healthy Boy

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cole eating sour candy

He handles it well.

Think I need braces?

Cole and Nate sure are reletives!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mary's Birthday

I didn't think there was a better way to summarize Mary than this
picture. Is there anything sweeter than this?


We all love Mary but we need to tell her we do, especially at this time. She and Matthew have been through a tough time.

(If it isn't her birthday, let's pretend it is. I have been known to get a birthday wrong.)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ferndale visit!

Matt, Mary and the boys stopped by Monday night for some pizza. I didn't take very many photos (unlike me, I know), but thought I would share what I DID take.

Lincoln was a little gentleman. He didn't seem too mad when I my flash bulb woke him up. :(

The feet! I can't take it.

Titus created a special bond with Tobias, his new BFF. He really got down on his level...

Though I apparently didn't take any pictures of Cole and Claire themselves, I did capture what happened when Claire tried to teach Cole how to play badminton. You couldn't do this if you tried, but they managed to get the birdie caught on the smallest branch ever! It was pretty funny. I had to toss the racket at the branch several times (dodging the other racket flying at it, thrown by C and C!).

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Party animal

Claire returned from her visit to Ohio Sunday night with a big smile and some tired eyes. It wasn't long before her exhaustion had her almost in tears for no reason, so daddy decided to lay down with her for awhile. I wish I could fall asleep anytime, anywhere like these two!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Obeying Grandma

Grandma yelled at me (via email) for not putting pictures of Lincoln and Titus' birthday party so here they are along with some of the family.

Lincoln this morning.
Titus opening up presents on his birthday.

Birthday Cake


First Bath.

I know I'm not a pretty sight, but Lincoln sure is.

Good picture of Cole. Normally he has the bad fake smile going.

Mary and her boys.

Cole is great with Lincoln.

Titus being Titus.

Another good one of Cole.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kirsten is 30 something today!!

Okay, I don't know the exact age, and she may not want it listed. But nevertheless, our very own Kirsten Buys is celebrating a birthday. She is a wonderful part of our family.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


We closed our PO Box and now our mailing address is 603 Bureau Ct., Mahomet, IL 61853-9480


Cole Singing

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Happy Birthday Chris!

I can still remember when my parents brought Chris home from the adoption agency. Daniel and I were so happy...

Chris is a great brother. He is one of the funniest people I know even if I am the target of a lot of those jokes. I hope that this is a year of blessing for him.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Night at the Museum

I watched this the other day with Sepporah, and even though I didnt think it was as funny as the first one, this one part made be laugh pretty hard. It reminded me of how my brothers and I used to argue and fight. I thought it was really funny cause Ben Stiller reminds me of Daniel. I know the quality of the video isnt the best, but just watch it and enjoy. Ben Stiller is tryign to rescue his friend in an hour glass from Kaman Ra.