Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ferndale visit!

Matt, Mary and the boys stopped by Monday night for some pizza. I didn't take very many photos (unlike me, I know), but thought I would share what I DID take.

Lincoln was a little gentleman. He didn't seem too mad when I my flash bulb woke him up. :(

The feet! I can't take it.

Titus created a special bond with Tobias, his new BFF. He really got down on his level...

Though I apparently didn't take any pictures of Cole and Claire themselves, I did capture what happened when Claire tried to teach Cole how to play badminton. You couldn't do this if you tried, but they managed to get the birdie caught on the smallest branch ever! It was pretty funny. I had to toss the racket at the branch several times (dodging the other racket flying at it, thrown by C and C!).

1 comment:

Betty said...

These are wonderful pictures of two very wonderful little ones. I am so eager to see them.