Monday, December 21, 2009

Otis dressed up for the Christmas peasant's pageant.

Poor old guy. Kristen has always entertained us by dressing him up and acting out parts with him. He's so funny--when dressed he will not move, at all. Just freezes. I think it's because he's humiliated. But he just goes along with Kristen and does whatever. Eeyore...gotta love him. Btw...that's Lily in the background being very afraid that she will be next. But the Academy Award goes to SlowOtis--or Slotis as we call him.


Kirsten said...

Poor dog! ;)

I've always been pretty anti-dress-up-your-dog. But I approve this, because it's hilarious.

AND the time my best friend put her pit bull in a pirate costume. Arrrrrr.

Daniel said...

Keep the bulldog pics coming!