Saturday, December 5, 2009

Johnson Christmas Tree Cutdown

The Friday after Thanksgiving week (not Black Friday) we always go and cut down our tree. The boys are at the age now where they want to help with everything.

You can't coach cuteness.

The perfect tree.

I love how Titus always watches Cole.

Lincoln can't figure out why I took him from Mary.

Family Picture

Carrying on the Johnson family tradition of kicking nature's butt and then rubbing it in.

The boys taking the tree back. This is a main reason I had do my work.

Afterwards, we go in for hot chocolate, cookies...and this year...Doritos and Cheetos.

This is Titus' method of eating. It's called the cram and chew.

Titus...I'm not sure what he's doing.


Grandma said...

You are making special memories and also some good pictures.

phyllis said...

Is Scott in England?

Mom said...

Yes, he lift Friday.

Stephen said...

Cute. And great memories indeed. My kids just remember freezing their butts off. We didn't do it too much after that. : ) So most of my memories are trudging to the basement to uncover the dusty box with fake tree inside and hauling it up the stairs for Karen to decorate. Ah...Christmas memories. But best memory of trees is my Grandma Waldron's tinsel tree.

Stephen said...

BTW--isn't it funny how mom and phyllis carry on completely unrelated conversations within posts/comments? Like it's email? So btw, Matt--how are the Lions faring this year? Daniel--the music biz picking up? Chris--threaten Matt this week? Kirsten--have any new knitted fare I can steal?

phyllis said... forgot Grandma Thompson's WHITE TINSEL tree with the rotating color wheel. I think Uncle Carol bought it for her and I thought it was the coolest thing ever.
Remember the candy Granpa Waldron always bought just at Christmas...and whatever you got...Doug got.

By the way...I don't know how to "post" so the only way I can get family information is to put it in the comment section. ALso it does appear mom has been hitting the pears a little hard..."Yes, he lift Friday????"

Sorry Stephen. People do what works. (<>: I got my answer. I am hoping things work out between Lucy and Scott because I might
to go to England for some reason.

Now that Daniel has played for the Queen, my next great moment would be to touch England's soil.

Stephen said...

You have this son named Daniel, right, who started this blog? And one named Matt who lives nearby? And one named Chris who is a web guru. And you still can't post? : ) If I can figure it out...

As for England, I have had yearly opps to go there to our offices and have refused. I find no appeal in foreign soil nor stuffy blokes who allow leftover traditions to live lives of luxury while others starve. Call me a socialist...

But to each his/her own. : )

And no, I have absolutely no recall of Grandma Thompson's tree. But I do remember Auntie and Uncle John ALWAYS having the scrawniest little real tree--like the one on Charlie Brown's Christmas. We always laughed because the 5-10 ornaments hid all of the branches. Must be a selective memory or all that anesthesia blocking...

BTW--speaking randomly of things Brit--I just had 2 fraudulent charges to my Amex by people on British Airways. $8,000.00 worth. Luckily Amex stands by their customers and BA nixed the flights....but go figure. And the funniest happening ever--I called BA and got a very refined Brit woman. But after 5 minutes of conversation she miraculously transitioned into a South Carolina-like southern drawl. How's that for the Brits still trying to pull one over on us? : )

Matt Johnson said...

Next time, instead of posting pictures of my family, I'm going to just post the phrase "Random Thoughts" to allow my mom to write about anything she wants.

Mom said...

I'm enjoying the dialogue. The blog is looking more like a discussion board all the time. I think posting our memories from previous Christmases would be a great idea--or random thoughts as Matthew suggested. However, keep posting pictures too.

scott said...

Very nice Matthew and Mary. Love those boys!