Sunday, January 24, 2010

Proud Dad

I picked Sepporah up this morning to take her the early service at my church. She had a $20 bill in her hand and Robin told me it was money for her birthday from her grandma Leoni. I asked Sepporah to leave it at home so she wouldn't lose it. Her respnse touched my heart and made me more proud of her (as if I could be more proud).

"Dad, I am giving it to this girl in another country that doesn't have food or anything. We are putting it in the offering."

What do you say to that? I just picked her up and gave her a daddy bear hug. Sepporah has a heart for God and I couldn't be more proud.
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Betty said...

Sepporah, I am so proud of you too. Keep that sweet, caring and giving spirit.


phyllis said...

WHATEVER she does...she does it with all her heart!