Complete this sentence. 2009 will be remembered as the year that....
I got my groove back.
What one event or change defined your year?
Celebrity spotting--I met Buddy Guy. Saw Heidi Klum do a shoot. Rode a train with Mr. T. Met Grandpa Elliot.
Any run-ins with the law?
None that I am allowed to discuss until the trials are over.
Could Daniel possibly get any funnier/more handsome?
Who's Daniel?
Culture. What was your favorite movie/book/TV show/music artist?
Under the Banner of Heaven, book. LOVE The Office, Community and Modern Family.
Did you pick up any new skills this year?
Yes, avoiding interviews.
Why do some men have terrible gas all of the time? Seriously, I really need to know.
It's cause we think it's funny to fart.
Name your best outing of the year (Sarah's wedding and Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa's don't count).
New Orleans with Karen.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
I threw up just last night outside of LA's fanciest restaurant. Seriously and sadly...
Did you make any new year's resolutions?
Yes, to avoid interviews like this.
Did you know that Phyllis talks to her plants? Apparently they never talk back to her. What do you think about that?
I'm sure she thinks they talk back. And I am fine with that. My friends the trees told me it's okay.
Are there any plans for 2010 that you're really looking forward to?
Going to Kauai with Karen in March! Second, and only real, honeymoon.
Did you hear about Thompson-a-thon? It's a four-day event at Stephen and Karen's this summer. There'll be bulldog races (complete with a bookie), a Johson-boys Wrestlemania (you can bet on this too), and full sets on Stage A by artists such as Cole, Claire and Sepporah. Also, Stephen has agreed to paint everybody's portrait, in life-size, for free, using pointilism. It's going to be a hoot and a half.
Yeah right. Let me know when so I can give you the keys to my house since we'll be camping.
A great picture Steve. This is a fun thing Daniel has thought up. We have such a creative and funny family!
Oh...your mom loves the picture. Your sister thought your eyes were saying, "Just try it."
You're funny.
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