Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Cosmo (Chris)

Chris is 33 today. Pray for him.


scott said...

Yeah! Happy B Day. Looking better every year! You are an inspiration with your "can do" spirit. Hope it is the best birthday ever.

Kirsten said...

Happy Birthday Chris! Hope you have a good one!

Phyllis said...

Hi Hon. Happy birhtday. Going to be a great month with the arrival of Samuel. You sure were a gift to my life...helped me lose weight when you started walking full throtal at nine months, taught me to stay alert when you climbed a table, with a stack of books on it to get something off the top of the refrigerator when you were two, taught me how much fun it was to get up with the sun every day, taught me anger management when I found out some kids were being mean to you on the playground, and also taught me how very much I loved you when I thought I lost you in Gatlinburg.You even taught me to love a cat when you found Radar and he helped your fear factor. Most of taught me grandma love with the gift of my first grandchild. I love you Chris. You just decide to do something...and you do it. I have never seen you let fear keep you from doing anything. You love with abandon!
Can't wait to see how your little boy will be.

Grandma said...

A late "Happy Birthday" Christopher! Grandpa and I were at your Mom's. Came home today. I hope you had a good brithday.

I love you,