Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Titus Gets Tubes

Titus had to have tubes put in his ears today. The procedure only took about 5 minutes but they still had to put him under for a little bit. Here's a quick video of him in his gown.

Here's a couple of pictures too. Before and after.


Anonymous said...

What Matthew didn't point out is that Titus rubs Mary's tummy when he gets tired. He will settle for mine if I am babysitting.

Daniel said...

That video is cute, but it's hard to hear anything over Matt's breathing.

Matt Johnson said...

And that is why my kids will answer, "Daniel who?"

Anonymous said...

Titus, I hope you feel better. I love you.


Trish Mueller said...

Hope you feel better Titus! All those wonderful comforting things of a toddler - the binky, the blanky, mommy's tummy to rub, Alphie (or lovie..)

Here's a big hug!