Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fun with the laptop camera

I'm a little mad. As in crazy. In a good way. I have clearly been influenced by the theatrics of late-night televangelists. I like how they over-accentuate every facial movement. This video is proof of my madness. P.S. Turn up the volume as high as possible.


phyllis said...

Oh Scott...you make me laugh so hard.
I couldn't even get my volume to work but I could read your lips. You have the mannerisms down pat! You especially look like Dwight Thompson.
Your hair isn't big and hard enough though. I haven't seen him lately but I hope Robert Tilton isn't still on. He is down right embarrassing...well several are down right embarrassing but he is the worst.
Since you can't find a job...maybe you could just get a gig doing impersonations.

Daniel said...


Kirsten said...

It's terrifying how easily that could have been Daniel. He always says, "I look just like Scott in that picture," and, often, I don't really see it.

I see it now. So clearly.

Daniel said...

I like how she uses the word "terrifying." Not "interesting" or "adorable." But Scott's resemblance to me strikes terror in her heart.

Stephen said...

it wouldn't be funny if not spot on! exactly the evangelist persona theatrics. BTW--recently saw a guy being interviewed who's fiance was kidnapped. He was quiet, humble, distraught, etc. BUT--and it's a HUGE BUT!!!!! the second the anchor asked him why he was hopeful he IMMEDIATELY changed tone and said, "Well I have been in the ministry for 20 years and..." From there it was like he became possessed with Scott's character impersonation. He became passionate, aggressive, controlling, etc. It was the most overt transformation of display I have ever seen. And it was the exact stereotype. I was appalled since I've seen this most of my life. All a practiced persona. Last bit--I know personally how to turn it on in speeches to get folks to believe...even tear up. I actually have to avoid taking advantage because I know how easy it is to tap into the emotional side of humans. I learned it. : ) Just like all the guys and gals have learned it. Too bad a few charlatans ruin it for the sincere--but then again I doubt the sincere act that way. Okay, the real last bit: I can't count how many times I have seen these types preaching to the homeless in Chicago. Ameteurs giving it a go. I always wonder why they aren't inviting the homeless home...vs. trying to convert them on the spot. Salvation is great but bread is good too. And likely as important. Over. Nice job Scott--you made me laugh AND hit a nerve.

phyllis said...

I remember when Mark was first in the family and he asked me why preachers had to yell? He commented that when he makes a presentation he doesn't yell at his audience. It made me think...why do preachers have to use drama and yell? Part of it is they aren't prepared and have little to actually say...so they beef it up with drama. Trust me...I have seen evangelists moon walk way before Michael Jackson.

Just for the record...Matthew has never yelled or ever talked anyway but normal when he teaches. He just talks to the crowd like he regularly does...and he has something prepared and worth listening to.

I think manipulation has invaded every aspect of culture. Every add, every program, every recruiting process, job promotion, and a lot of relationships. I have to be on guard especially when I am trying to staff with volunteers. It is a sick tool and the results don't work.

These guys that have milked innocent people for money by using the Gospel...I wouldn't want to be in their shoes for anything in the world.

Betty said...

I will add my two cents, for whatever it is worth, in response to Scott's impersonation of a TV evangelist. I know there are TV preachers who should be put off the air (Mike Murdock for one) but we must remember that there are thousands of ministers who stand behind the pulpit each Sunday, men of integrity, who preach the gospel. Each one delivers it in a little different way, but the same gospel. It's sad to me that the message and mannerisms of some of the TV preachers detract from the real message of the gospel. It's not a message of "get rich" but one of hope, and that is a message that all peoples can embrace.

My message to all of us is: love Jesus, love each other, and be good representatives of the Kingdom of God.

My favorite TV preacher is Dr. Jeremiah. Check him out.