Friday, April 23, 2010

As The World Turns, in our family.

So...May is a big month. Lots happening...

1) I get my motorcycle license on the 5th. Cinco de mayo!

2) Karen does her first jewelry market the 8th.

3) Karen rules the roost on the 9th--Mother's Day.

4) Nathan graduates college on the 16th.

5) Kristen gets married to Bryan on the 22nd.

6) I take an extended nap the week of the 24th. Whew.

Yes, a lot is happening in the Thompson zoo. And we're excited about it all. We've always wanted a motorcycle (except for Karen)--a Harley. And Karen has always wanted to sell her jewelery (me too). We've always been a fan of Mother's Day (and Karen). We're thrilled to get Nathan off our books (budget-wise). And proud of him for graduating. We love Bryan (and Kristen) and are excited that our family is adding another. That they found each other (cool story). It's all good, albeit a busy busy month!

Watch your mailboxes. I think they're sending invitations. But as we go it's not a guarantee. : )

Only sad note: The dogs are a bit mad that they're not getting all the attention for the month. So if anyone wants to come dog sit let us know. Our little red barn is always open.




Mom said...

There are no pictures, so I can't say "nice pictures."

Just promise me that you will wear a helment, always when riding a motorcycle. However, something smells fishy about May 5th. I pray always for the planes to stay in the air, now I will have to pray the cars watch for you, or you watch for the cars, whichever it will be---if you are serious?

A busy month indeed, but a good one.

Daniel said...


Did I miss something? Who is Bryan?

Daniel said...

Can you tell us the story about Kristen and Bryan?

And upload some pics of Karen's jewelry. Is she using Etsy? Her and Kirsten should talk.

May 5th is Matt's birthday. It's also Cole's birthday. A day of birth. Let's not make it a day of death. Be safe out there.

Stephen said...

Pics to come.

Bryan and Kristen met when she came to Edwardsville to live. First thing she did was go to a bank to open an account and some guy asked his manager if he could help her out. That was Bryan. That was how it began. : ) They've pretty much been together ever since. He's a good guy. I'm happy he's gonna be my son in law. He's good to her and that's all that matters to me.

phyllis said...

Let's see some jewelry pictures...

Daniel said...

Congratulations Kristen. This is wonderful news.

phyllis said...

Kristen...congratulations! I am so happy for you and Bryan. A banker spotted you ...great story!

scott said...

Congrats to all of you. It's a great time to be in the Thompson fold. Graduation, marriage...all new beginnings.