Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother of the Year!!!

Mary Johnson: Mother of the Year!


Betty said...

Well, I move we vote our Mary mother of the year.

scott said...

Mary is a good mother. So is Trish and Phyllis. Jessica and Kirsten do a lot of motherly duties as well, so cheers to them.

scott said... ARE. Soory about the pore enlish.

Kirsten said...

Ha ha, poor enlish? :)

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of the amazing mothers AND fathers in the Thompson family (of course including Jessica, who is an amazing stepmom).

phyllis said...

AND don't forget MOM!!

Who else would call all her children on their siblings birthday's to remind them to call their sibling and the birthday sibling wouldn't have a clue the other siblings are calling because their mother called the siblings to remind them....who else would do all that cooking and have her home absolutely run over at Thanksgiving and cry because the destructive mob all left...and who else would wait by the phone all day on Mothers day just to get calls....oh's 8:34 p.m. on Mothers' Day and I better find my phone....