Monday, April 6, 2009

Prepare Yourself for the Cutest Thing in the World

Cole was swaying in the rocking chair and Titus climbed up to sit next to him. Mary went into the other room and a few minutes later Cole called for her to come in the room. This is what she found.

Cole wanted to stay that way until I got home from church so I could see it but that could have been a later he tried to recreate it. Here is picture 2:

Titus wasn't going along with it and Cole was bummed.


Daniel said...

Even though you warned me, I still wasn't prepared. You're right, that's the cutest thing in the world.

Grandma had a rocking chair like that. I remember it smashed my big toenail into little pieces once. That wasn't the cutest thing in the world.

Betty said...

What a sweet big brother Cole is! It's clear that Titus thinks so too. A wonderful picture.