Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Weekend in Photos

I got home from work and there were notes all over the door saying various things, but all of them essentially said: BOYS NOT ALLOWED, SORRY DADDY. (I was, in the end, allowed to sequester myself in my studio.)

This was the gang. The girl on the left is Claire's friend Iris.

Look how Claire's crossing her legs here.

Sepporah is playing "Spa."

I did the annual shaving of the cats Saturday. This is Tobias pre-shave, drugged silly.

Post shave.

At a friend's art showing later that night.


scott said...

girls look like best friends. You and Kirsten are a power couple if I ever saw one.

Matt Johnson said...

Dan!! Looking like a doctor in that picture!!! Lab coat, scrubs shirt, and stethoscope around your neck!!

Matt Johnson said...

By the way...great pictures. The one with Claire crossing her legs is bitter sweet. Very cute...but sad that she is growing up so fast.

Betty said...

I noticed Claire with her legs crossed too, so grownup looking. Sweet pictures, except the shaved cat. Poor cat!!