Friday, May 29, 2009

What 56 years of marriage has done to us.

56 years ago today we were slim and trim.


phyllis said...

I actually have your wedding picture in my living room and I love how stylish you both looked on that day.
I have mom's gloves and they are really elegant. Mom totally programed Trish and I to care about accessories....and she taught us the trick of getting some clothing item at 90% off and then having to shop to buy all the things that match your ONE CHEAP ITEM. I have this weird thing in that I remember life by clothes. I feel like I am the Rainman of clothes...I can recall what I had on in my memories. I remember mom finding these incredible, multi colored high heels and she got a real deal. I just loved those shoes. They were so unusual, mom had to custom make an outfit to go with them....ahhh...memories. I love the Easter picture of us four children where Trish and I match and Steve and Scott matched. We didn't get lots of toys etc for events...we got clothes. I don't remember Easter baskest...I remember Easter outfits.

What does this all have to do with mom and dad's anniversary you say?
Beats me.

Happy Anniversary mom and dad. You sure produced a creative bunch.

Daniel said...

Happy Anniversary guys. That picture is funny. I just wrote a story about a couple who has been married 50 years and that seemed like an unbelievably long time. I didn't realize you had been married longer!

Matt Johnson said...

That's awesome and an example to us all.