Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mom and Dad's new best friends

Hey Gma and Gpa. Thanks for visiting our house last weekend. We enjoyed letting you sleep with us and sharing our house. We're still not exactly sure why you kept repeating, "Shooo...get down. Stop that. Shoo..." We've never heard those human words before. But we liked rubbing against your legs and sharing our cat hair with you. You're good people. Bo especially liked you...although he was a tad upset that you kept pushing him off his bed downstairs. But he got over it cause he liked waking you up real early to play. So come again soon. We have many plans for you. We might even ask you to help us do away with those ugly dogs that are squatting in our house. They're annoying. They haven't quite figured out that we own the house and all else are guests. But again, you are welcome anytime. We love hearing those strange phrases--talking to us constantly. See you soon!


Betty said...

I love it! Got a good laugh. We'll be back. Bo does have a determined streak. He wouldn't budge when we tried to fold up the bed and had to be humanly lifted off.

Daniel said...

I still can't believe I saw the cats and the bulldogs, but forgot to see the hog!