Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monkey Necklace

There is no school today for Claire so she's home with me. I'm in the middle of finishing a piece for a new publication I'm writing for and it has been a challenge with her figuratively, and sometimes very literally, hanging around my neck.

But the day has had its moments. It was especially nice to take her with me to vote, answering her questions beforehand ("Do people in China vote today?") over coffee and chocolate milk, telling her about the concept of citizenship and the miracle of peaceful exchanges of power. It's a gorgeous, unseasonably warm fall day and the buzz of election day is definitely in the air. I think Claire could sense it and as we were walking in to the middle school where I was going to vote, Claire stopped me and urgently asked: "Do I have chocolate milk on my face?" I said: "No, why? You want to look your best for this?" And she said: "Yes!"


Anonymous said...

As Matthew asked me in front of two other adults...WHO did you vote for?

Remember..you were only allowed one lie for the game...and it was the feather tattoo. Can't wait to hear on CNN that there was one write in vote for what's his name Gunn....

Anonymous said...

That's the cutest monkey hanging around your neck that I have ever seen.

Cherish those moments. They will be gone in what later on will seem like such a short time.

Daniel said...

I did not, in fact, vote for Tim Gunn, which means my lies entry is now voided out. Let's try this again:

1. I once mouthed off to a cop and got out of the ticket because of it.

2. I sold a Wayne Gretzky rookie card for the price of a can of pop (then bought a can of pop).

3. I am the only one of Betty and Leroy's grandchildren that calls them.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should have written in Tim Gunn Michelle is going to need some help

for your new lies I vote #1

Anonymous said...

Tim could also address posture issues and what's with the front swoop on her bangs. I am trying not to be bitter...but when is the last time we had a chance to have a knock-out first lady....I miss Jackie.

#2 is the lie.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Claire on her candidate winning!

Anonymous said...

I vote #1


Matt Johnson said...

I think Jackie Kennedy is overrated. She's not so pretty.

Anonymous said...

only my mother and sister know the pain you just inflicted on my heart Matthew Johnson...