Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Explosive, Uncensored Matthew Interview

Complete this sentence. 2009 will be remembered as the year that....

The year that most of the Thompson family ignored my numerous request to play a game for the blog.

What one event or change defined your year?

The birth of my 3rd boy, Lincoln. Also, I had a new position at work as Executive Pastor.

Any run-ins with the law?


Could Daniel possibly get any funnier/more handsome?

Nope. He maxed out in 8th Grade.

Culture. What was your favorite movie/book/TV show/music artist?

Movie - Star Trek
Book - The Principle of the Path by Andy Stanley
TV Show - Community (I consistently laugh out loud)
Music Artist - Steve Fee

Did you pick up any new skills this year?

I learned how to a much better leader. God also helped me become a better person.

Why do some men have terrible gas all of the time? Seriously, I really need to know.

Probably just a Johnson thing. Genetics though Daniel is worst by far.

Name your best outing of the year (Sarah's wedding and Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa's don't count).

Hanging out with the family is the best outing everyday.

What was your most embarrassing moment?

Reading the things my brother Chris posts on Facebook to people in my church about OSU.

Did you make any new year's resolutions?

Here's what I want to do in the New Year: 1) Eat healthier 2) Exercise more 3) Drink less pop and more water 4) Read through the Bible once more 5) Be less sarcastic 6) Worship, Pray, and Study more. 7) Mentor at least 3 men 8) Be more loving, patient and humble in all my relationships Should be a challenging year!

Did you know that Phyllis talks to her plants? Apparently they never talk back to her. What do you think about that?

After working with my mom for a year, I now realize that talking to her plants is the least of her unique characteristics. She blast music, doesn't use her rear view mirror or back window and thinks her turn signal gives her the right of way. But she's one amazing Children's Ministry Director!

Are there any plans for 2010 that you're really looking forward to?

It's going to be a huge year for our church. There are some conferences I'm looking forward to, I'm taking a team of 30 to Mexico for a mission's trip and I look for our church to do some amazing things in our community.

Did you hear about Thompson-a-thon? It's a four-day event at Stephen and Karen's this summer. There'll be bulldog races (complete with a bookie), a Johson-boys Wrestlemania (you can bet on this too), and full sets on Stage A by artists such as Cole, Claire and Sepporah. Also, Stephen has agreed to paint everybody's portrait, in life-size, for free, using pointilism. It's going to be a hoot and a half.

I don't know Stephen...I only know Steve.


Grandma said...

Talk about "like father, like son" Cole is a clone of his dad. I love your answers Matthew.

And,I did rspond to the game last year. I was disppointed that the game didn't get finished. Thanks for trying!

Love you,

Stephen said...

Matt--you sort of broke your own resolution (sarcasm) in the answers about Daniel and gas. But I am praying for you. : )

Keep being a good dad.

phyllis said...

ok..I think my sons are nephews are hilarious...and my BROTHERS are seriously hilarious! are so funny.

Matt Johnson said...


I can't believe you left the "Steve" comment alone. That took restraint.

Daniel said...


Sorry your game didn't totally work out. Even though I answered it, I have to say it was hard to come up with answers that either weren't too embarrassing or too incriminating. There were several times where I sat down to do it and gave up. You should try another game soon.

Kristen said...

I was frightened for you Matthew when you said the "Steve" comment...haha