Monday, February 22, 2010

New Addition

At the rate the Johnson's and Neas's are going, Grandma and Grandpa are going to have to get a bigger house for Thanksgiving this year. That's right, add one more place setting at the kids table, Jessica is pregnant! We just found out this week. She was eating us out of house and home and I kept asking her if she was pregnant. She kept assuring me that she wasn't, and what do you know, she is 10 weeks pregnant. Here are some pics of the ultrasound we had today. We heard the heart beat and it is strong. We are both very happy!


Daniel said...

Congratulations guys! I'll do my best to talk some sense into your new child when the time comes.

Seriously, I love being an uncle EVERY TIME.

Grandma said...

Christopher and Jessica, how wonderful! There's always room for more at Thanksgiving and in our hearts.

Phyllis said...

Beautiful. Wonderful. Amazing.
What a pretty picture!

scott said...

That's an amazing picture/ultrasound. Congrats!