Thursday, February 25, 2010

A New Beginning

Two years ago I started Tyrus Design in hopes that one day it would turn into a job that I could make a living off of and work from home. Today that dream comes true as this is my final day at my current job. As scary as it is, God has really seen me the whole way through and I trust that He will continue to do so. Jessica and Sepporah have been a huge support for me knowing that all the crazy hours I worked doing both jobs would eventually pay off.

Its hard to look at situations that happen in life and not see that God has his hand in everything. I don't know how this is going to end up working out, but here is pretty much the story behind my working on my own and our pregnancy:

As you all know, Jessica has a few medical conditions. We were under the understanding that pretty much Jessica would not be able to have a baby and if she could get pregnant that it would be a difficult road. I told Jess that the only way we could try and have a baby, was if I was working from home and could help take care of the baby and Jess. We put it on the backburner and I started plugging away at building a buisness for us that would allow us to have a child. Fast forward a year and I built Matts church a website that led me to a couple that owned a web design company called The Lively Merchant. I did some work for them that they really liked and offered Tyrus Design to do full time work for them. So I went down there two weekends ago and went over all the details with them.

Jessica and I came back and went over the details and prayed that God would show us what He wanted us to do and if this was the right thing. Well, two day later Jessicas doctors wanted to start her on birth control in hopes to kick start her hormones. Jessica took a pregnancy test to make sure she wasn't pregnant, and low and behold she was pregnant. That was our answer. I have to stay home to help her out and was just offered work that would allow me to be home. So my conclusion was that it had to be God. Keep us in your prayers, because this being on our own buisness is going to be a big learning experience!


Grandma said...

That is wonderful that you can quit the one job and now work from home. God is good! Lots of prayers will be sent up for Jessica and the baby. Sepporah's prayers will certainly be answered.

phyllis said...

We will pray. God is faithful.
I look back and see His care for me at every turn and I am amazed at His generosity. As many times as I have failed Him, He has never failed me.

scott said...

I'm happy for you Christopher (and Jessica).

Kirsten said...

Congratulations! I'm so impressed how you decided to do Web design a couple of years ago, maybe picked up some books and here you are! I'll certainly keep you in mind if I ever hear of someone needing a site.

Daniel said...

I'm proud of you Chris.

Stephen said...

Congrats nephew. Remember, better work works, focus on doing the best work for clients possible--the rest takes care of itself.