Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Meet Cole, Age 2

The operative word with Cole is "intense." It's almost been worn out by now, but anybody trying to describe this uniquely focused toddler will inevitably fall back on this descriptive. It's not an unhappy intensity though. Cole is just engaged, with everything. His brain is working on overdrive and he's full of curiosity and love. I wish I got to have more time with him. As it is, the half hour we spent playing Trackball after Chris's wedding will have to tide me over until the next get together.

Cole was gracious enough to take time out of Cousin Fest Saturday to sit down with Thompson Madness and answer the official Questionnaire. Here are his answers.

Cole tying his shoes. Intensely.

Describe your hairstyle in two words or less.
Surfer shag

What is your favorite song?
Twinkle, twinkle, little star. Just can't get enough of it.

What is the last thing that totally blew your mind.
My uncle Dan's pink shirt.

How's your love life?
I got a pretty good prospect. Her name is Brooke (I call her Brooky). We hang out all the time in nursery and are best friends. Both our parents work with the youth group so we have been able to go on a few dates.

If there's one dessert you could eat until it hurts, what would it be?
Too many. I'm all about the sweets. Sometimes it's ice cream cones (literally the cone...the ice cream is ok but the real fun is the cone), other times it's candy.

When is your bedtime?
Well, lights out are around 8:00 p.m. but Tidy and I kick it for a couple of more hours. We talk and strategize how we can get Mom to ourselves during the night. We know we have to share and that it's going to take a team effort to break her down and get her alone in our room to hold us, sing to us, etc. So sleep usually comes later.

Einstein said: "A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin. What else does a man need to be happy?" Customize this quote to fit yourself.
A mom, a raffy, a bowl of candy and a fuddy.* What else does a brother need to be happy?

What is your most under appreciated attribute?
Mom really makes a fuss over all of my attributes so that's hard. She loves my chubby body and she thinks I'm super smart.

What is your pet's name?
No pets. Just my best friend - Raffy.

How much can you bench press?
Because I intake so many calories every day I have to be careful not to bulk up so I usually go for reps and not max.

Quick, how old are Betty and Leroy Thompson?
I'm only up to 10 on my numbers.

And what are they really doing with all that free time?
Thanksgiving is a yearlong planning event. They probably are preparing as we speak. Grandma is working out her egg-in-the-hole recipe and Grandpa is putting all the dangerous items out of children's reach, like the paper shredder.

Will you announce your candidacy this year?
I have some feelers out. I look good in the Midwest but the coasts are a concern. I'm not committing to anything just yet.

*Raffy=Cole's pet giraffe. Fuddy=pacifier.


Anonymous said...

I think I need to learn a little more before I can commit my vote to him in November.

Anonymous said...

I have a funny Cole story. It was a nice day. I took him to the park.
There was one young black gentleman at the park. We had to walk by him to get to the slide.
Cole likes to walk with his hands in his pockets sometimes, so with hands in pocket he stops smack in front of the guy and says, "Grandma, why is a basketball player here?"

Mary said they had been watching basketball as a family.

In his defense, I got VERY excited one night at my children's program because when I came out there were three black children sitting in the crowd and I thought Lancaster was becoming diverse. I happily emailed the news to Matthew the next morning only to have him reply they were the children of visiting missionaries.