Monday, June 30, 2008

Can You Believe This Guy?

Okay, I'll just go ahead and admit it. I never thought any of my cousins were ever going to humor me and answer my silly questions and fill out my silly questionnaires to make this blog work. And if any of them did, I was sure it wasn't going to be Nate or Kristen, being that they are children of Stephen Thompson the Silent and Private Ad Mystic (for the record, I kid. Stephen was one of the first people to respond to me when I set this up).

But this just goes to prove how little I know. Because not only did Gabe and Emily represent in full right off the bat, Richard flew in for a quick follow up and dunked the dickens out of his update (that's my attempt at bringing some type of sports talk to this blog. It's kind of beautiful how it makes absolutely no sense, isn't it?).

And now. NOW. I bring to you the latest Thompson madness from my inbox: Nate Thompason takes the Thompson Questionnaire, giving Richard a run for the title of Funniest Thompson.


Describe your hairstyle in two words or less.


What is your favorite song?

-probably New Slang by the Shins

What is the last thing that totally blew your mind.

- pulling a 94% on a dynamics final that was worth 50% of my grade

How's your love life?

- ballin'

If there's one dessert you could eat until it hurts,
what would it be?

-not a big dessert fan, but i do eat loaves of french bread like it's my job

When is your bedtime?

-I try to go to bed around midnight so I don't drag all day

Einstein said: "A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit
and a violin. What else does a man need to be
happy?" Customize this quote to fit yourself.

-"A paperclip, a rubberband, a piece of string
and a penny. What else does a man need to be
diffuse a nuclear bomb?" Macguyver rules.

What is your most under appreciated attribute?


What is your pet's name?

-otis, lola, elmo, lily, skylar

How much can you bench press?

-not enough

Quick, how old are Betty and Leroy Thompson?

-mid to late 40's

And what are they really doing with all that free

-partying hardcore

Will you announce your candidacy this year?

-yeah but don't tell grandma and grandpa, I'm running as a democrat


Anonymous said...

Thanks Nathan for your estimate of my age and grandpa's age. We are glad somebody thinks we are still young. I love your answer to what we are doing with all our free time. I will vote for you when you announce your candidacy. Love you, Grandma

Anonymous said...

Correction on what I said about loving your answer about what grandpa & I are doing in our spare time. OOOPS - I didn't think that one word through. Sami is cute. You should tell us all something about her.

Daniel said...

There's nothing wrong with a little bit of septuagenarian partying, Grandma.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what septuagenarian partying is but if you say it's okay, then I guess it is.

Anonymous said...

Wow of the first things I figured out when I went to visit your dad, was HOW MUCH he likes your girlfriend's cooking and how happy he is for you____ because he really likes her. She is so pretty.

LOVED the picture of you and Kristen!

Guess what Nate...I'm voting Democrat this year.

Anonymous said... could beat Daniel AND Kirsten with that word...

Anonymous said...

thanks for the comments. Sami is a great girl, lots of fun yet super sweet. I get the feeling my family likes her better than me though, they'd probably trade me for her cooking

Anonymous said...

Nate, Don't worry about upsetting grandma and grandpa with you being a democrat...They don't vote for president. Haven't you heard about that fun debate we had two thanksgivings ago. Now grandma sets the ground rules when we show up that we can't talk politics.

Anonymous said...

My sister voting for socialism. More government. Why do we blame government for everything and look there first for the fix?

Stephen said...

We might trade Nate for Sami's cooking. She feeds me while Nate just asks me to feed him. Then again, no--as we already have two women in the family and I need balance. Nate's a pretty good kid anyway and fairly low maintenance as long as I don't ask him to do chores. So I guess we'll keep him. But Sami can still cook anytime...hint...hint (Nate, tell her that...)

Anonymous said...

I think we should set more legalistic anonymous....

Anonymous said...

I confess-I am Mccain.