Thursday, June 19, 2008

Update on Team Stephen

Stephen talks about his family's continued acquisition of every dog within a 20-mile radius, Nathan's transformation into a yuppie, Karen's version of Girls Gone Wild and learning to live without a stomach but maintain that oh-so-desirable, post-cancer-surgery girlish figure as he turns 50.

Kristen is still working at the salon but is looking for a better job. She just adopted a rescued Pug and needs more money to care for it. The little dog is named Charlie and she rescued him at the right time. He's very thin and you can tell he was used to foraging, as he eats anything and everything laying around. He ate some tulip bulbs from Karen's flower garden. He ate some aspirin Kristen dropped. He is lightning fast and eats whatever falls before he even knows what it is. Poor guy. But he's very sweet and good-natured. And Kristen has a bigger heart than pocketbook, so donations are gladly accepted.

Nathan is a working stiff in corporate land for the summer. He went from ripped jeans and t-shirts to dockers and dress shirts--but his hair's the same, long. He is getting a good taste of the business world and likes the money they pay. But I think more than anything, he's learning he doesn't want to end up doing the work they're doing forever. He's pretty bored and it's not using all he's learned in engineering. But he keeps talking about how it's way better than pushing carts at Menards.

Karen is getting ready for her yearly trip to Jellystone in Indiana. She and several of her friends and relatives go there every year for what amounts to reliving summer camp, vacation bible school, and third grade dances all rolled together. The adults act as crazy as all the grand kids, nieces and nephews, so they have a great time. This year's theme is "cowboy" so she's busy putting together a line-dancing sound track. They rent some cabins on the grounds and become the envy of the entire campground as they put on their evening events. They have a great time and then talk about it all year long.

As for me, I am just continuing to heal and get back to working. I am up to four good days a week in the office. I work from home once or twice a week if I can--just to relieve myself from the commute. Overall though I feel like I am making steady progress. I see a nutritionist this week to get some help on my diet. I need to keep this newfound figure in good shape. I'm also painting some again so it feels like some sense of normalcy is returning. And this week I hit the big 50--so I have a lot to be thankful for!

Lastly, Lilly is getting big enough to push Lola around. Otis hides from them both. Elmo just goes with the flow. And Lola just keeps trying to be the boss of them all.

It's a zoo at the Thompson house. Our email is

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