Monday, August 11, 2008

The Devestatingly Handsome Samuel Scott Thompson

We're about to take it to the next level here at Thompson Madness - we're bringing the questionnaire up a generation, to my uncles and aunts. Those of you with keen observational skills will notice that Claire is the only remaining one of the great grandchildren who has yet to take the plunge. This is not an oversight and will be corrected within the week. But for now, we give you Samuel Scott Thompson, who is devastatingly handsome. Or nearly so. Or at least easy on the eyes, or, at the very least, not ugly. Maybe a better way to put it is that he's single.


Describe your hairstyle in two words or less.

3 on the sides, 4 on the top, square the back, no sideburns (cost cutters)

What is your favorite song?

Simple Man, self

Let me get this straight. You're listing one of your own songs as your favorite?

That's right

What is the last thing that totally blew your mind.

The aftermath of the storm the other night. It left a full rainbow. It was heaven-like

How's your love life?

I'm 43, rich, and good looking. Need I say more.

Please, don't. If there's one dessert you could eat until it hurts, what would it be?

Ice cream in a quart with a Kirsten-made cozy to keep the distance between by fingers

When is your bedtime?

11-11:30 PM waking up at 12 then 1 as the kids come in. Can't wait for school and the 10:00 PM curfew!

Einstein said: "A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin. What else does a man need to be happy?" Customize this quote to fit yourself.

A motorcycle, a hot lady friend, a red bull, and a guitar. What else does a man need to be in the throes of a midlife crisis?

What is your most under appreciated attribute?

My humility

What is your pet's name?


Named after the phrase for Bohemian Bourgeoisie coined by David Brookes in his scathing examination of the aesthetic upper middle class "BoBos in Paradise?"

No, I just thought BoBo sounded cute.

How much can you bench press?

Not as much as my nephew Ch--------- [Edited for good reason]

Quick, how old are Betty and Leroy Thompson?

75 and 77

And what are they really doing with all that free time?

Flowers, friends, senior discounts at Hardees

Will you announce your candidacy this year?

I already have a lifetime appointment as head of my house


Anonymous said...

And just to think----I am the mother of this "humble" guy.

You need to explain what red bull is to your mother. And, by the way, I will soon be 77 and your dad is 78. I'm glad you think we are still young.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Mom, Red Bull is a drink that is the equivalent of 50 cups of coffee in one can....

I mistakenly thought it was a protein drink, bought one without reading the label, drank it and buzzed and vibrated for 48 hrs straight.

Since I don't even drink coffee, I actually had to go through caffeine withdrawal afterwards....

By the way...great picture Scott!
I do think you are handsome and a great dad.

Anonymous said...

You all know I'm kidding. I'm not rich...

Anonymous said... Cole would say.

Kirsten said...

Oh, I can't wait to make your ice cream dreams come true.

Stephen said...

my little brother. what can I say? I taught him well. : )

Anonymous said...

You left out geuinely interested and interesting, caring, and intelligent! Who needs rich with all that? Love you!

Anonymous said...

and you are a WONDERFUL uncle!!!

My boys LOVE Uncle Scott!