Friday, August 22, 2008

Grandma Phyllis's Funnies

Friday night Sepporah and Cole want to go for a walk. Sepporah takes Cole's scooter and he takes his tricycle.
Off we go. Sepporah is so athletic that, for it to be fun for her, it has to be fast! So she is zooming ahead of us which puzzles Cole. He questions me about does she know the rules. (Cole is all about rules). I think she knows the rules, but he hollers out, "Porrah, you can't cross the alley without an adult." Then he looks up at me and points his little chubby finger and says, "You're an adult, right?" I said, "Yes, Cole I am an adult."

After we get back, it is time for Cole to go to bed and Sepporah knows we are taking off to go to my house. Sepporah and I have the custom of she gets to do my make up and hair before we go to bed.

Sepporah says to me in front of Cole, "Now we can go do our hair." Cole doesn't know what that means but he is sure he is getting ready to miss out on something. I knew he was thinking and getting ready to ask, so I say, "Cole, doing each other's hair is something girls do." He says, "Oh." He thinks a minute and points up at me again and says, "You're a girl, right?" "Yes Cole, I am a girl, Sepporah is a girl, and you are a boy."

"Oh." he says.

Later that night, after Sepporah has done my make up and hair, she wants me to model. She wants to pick out the outfit for me to wear. She scoots a chair over to my closet, starts looking through the clothes and finally says, "Grandma, you sure have a lot of ugly clothes." She found one top she liked and got it out.
But she was frustrated with my skirt selection (Sepporah loves dresses and skirts and if you notice is always wearing one) She asks me, "Don't you have any skirt that twirls?" I think and remember that I have a peasant skirt. I get it out and her eyes get big and she says, "That's you will be beautiful."


Anonymous said...

Everything is so sweet and sappy we have nothing to talk about....
we need a good Thanksgiving fight!

Who is voting for Obama?

Who is refusing to vote this year?

Who would make the best first lady?

Do you believe in predestination?

Does God know everything or just all knowable things?

How many still like George W?

Was Carter a good or bad president?

Wait till you all see my tattoo at Thanksgiving. I finally had my mid life crisis. It was fun to be a rebel...but Mom...I had to drink a Red Bull to do it.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad we have til Thanksgiving to answer these questions.
I'm eager to see what the response will be, but remember, we are family and these have to be answered and put to rest before coming here for Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

I like the sweet and sappy stuff about the little ones.

Stephen said...

I am voting for Ron Paul. Ru Paul would make a great first lady. I am predestined to say no to that. I don't even understand the next question. Did any of us like George W? Jimmy Carter is a good author regardless of how he was as prez. And wait to you see my latest tattoo. A big Harley logo to go with my new motorcycle. : ) But no Red Bull. I take my tattooing like a man--I just hold Karen's hand and cry like a big baby.

Anonymous said...

Who knew my brother was so funny! make me laugh.

Dad is the one who loves Jimmy Carter.

Turns out my polyps were pre cancerous and it is a good thing I caught them.

Scott...RUN to get one!!

Anonymous said...

Phyllis, When do you get another colonoscopy? I'm sure glad you had it done when you did. Scott said he has one scheduled.

Daniel said...

Should we create a special section called COLON WARS (that's a play on "Clone Wars" from Star Wars) for the blog? We need to spice this baby up and nothing says spicy like some good old fashioned colon talk.

Anonymous said...

I did not get a tattoo or drink a Red Bull by the way...lame attempt to stir things up...really lame.