Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sarah Blankenhorn, Ladies and Gentlemen

I have to be honest, I never thought I would see the day that Sarah answered the Thompson Questionnaire. I've been hounding her for months, such was my desire to complete the set of my cousins. So I'm pleased to finally present Sarah Blankenhorn:


Describe your hairstyle in two words or less.
victoria beckham

What is your favorite song?
I don't know, I have lots...

What is the last thing that totally blew your mind.
Moving in with the b/f and then finding out that one of my closest friends is pregnant...I'm going to be an aunt (well, not by blood)!!!

How's your love life?
Absolutely wonderful
If there's one dessert you could eat until it hurts, what would it be?
Um, I eat every dessert till it can't waist all that good stuff

When is your bedtime?
Whenever I get off usually like 1 but lately I'm turning into old balls--like 10:30

Einstein said: "A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin. What else does a man need to be happy?" Customize this quote to fit yourself.
A pair of sweats, a cup of coffee, a bowl of fruit, and a pair of running shoes,(and maybe some Coach, Express, Forever21, heels, and a big rock on the finger). What else does a girl need to be happy?

What is your most under appreciated attribute?
My generosity and willingness to give another person the shirt off my back...but it's ok, I enjoy helping other people.

What is your pet's name?
Benny is my cat and Moose is my adopted black lab

How much can you bench press?
What do you mean bench press? HA! Yeah right...I don't need pecks.

Quick, how old are Betty and Leroy Thompson?
I'm not answering that...I will get in trouble...what, aren't they in like their late 30's?

And what are they really doing with all that free time?
Great, make me feel like a horrible granddaughter...I don't know.

Will you announce your candidacy this year?
Probably not, I'm not going to join that conversation--I don't like debates, I will just vote when it's time to vote...peace out!


Anonymous said...

Yea!...we heard from our Sarah!!

Girl...I just want to get my arms around you and squeeze you! I am surprised you only have two pets. You and lovers.

Your answers left me wanting more like:

* A picture of the boyfriend
* Where you work
* Pictures of the pets
* Apartment pictures

Chris Johnson said...

Im sorry mom...."Girl...."?.......once you left detroit you had to leave all your ghettoness behind.

Daniel said...

I applaud your unwillingness to talk politics, Sarah. However, I trust that I can count on your vote, and the vote of all Thompsons, when I run third party this fall. And I promise sweeping change.

Anonymous said...

Yes Sarah, we want to know more about your boyfriend and also what you are up to now, job wise and work wise. Are you still working at the hospital?

To those who don't know, Sarah was working at the hospital where Phyllis, Trish and Steve were born.

Love you,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My adorable, sweet, daughter! Sarah is a perfect dichotomy -she loves to run and sweat, and she is good at anything she tries so watch out - yet she loves all things feminine. If coach was smart, they would make running shoes then Sarah would really be happy!

Anonymous said...

Sarah...I miss you.