Friday, June 27, 2008

Chris's Wedding Photos Revised

I've updated the link on the original post of Chris's wedding photos. The new file is smaller in size. I also noticed that the pictures were too dark and some were too green, because of the tent. So I fixed those issues, because I'm kind of anal like that.

Wedding Photos Revised

The new file also includes some pictures with "special" effects that Chris asked me to try out. Below are a few examples. I know that Stephen and Gabe like to play around in Photoshop with raw photos too. Maybe for future events, we could post links to the untouched photos for those who are interested and then post whatever they come up with on the blog. Might be cool.


Anonymous said...

Two observations:

1. I totally agree with Daniels description of Kirsten! I remember when he was a teenager and we were discussing a certain blonde that was known for being "the hot girl every guy wanted" and Daniel said the fact she couldn't carry on an intelligent conversation drove him nuts. He HAD to have a girl with brains and looks. I am so happy for him!! I love her too!

2. Does our family photo at the wedding remind anyone of the photo of the Kennedy's at their wedding. I think it has that "Kennedy wedding" look.....

Anonymous said...

Johnson boys did well-3 smart and lovely ladies