Monday, August 4, 2008


I'm sure many of you have noticed a quiet new voice popping up in the comments sections of Thompson Madness recently. That would be Kristen, my sweetheart cousin, whom I will always remember as being one of the cutest toddlers in the history of the world. All I can say is, some things never change. She's just as cute, just as sweet as an adult.

I was finally able to get her to answer the Thompson Questionnaire, but had to track her down in between visits to the pet store and typing out texts on her sidekick. It was worth the effort.


Describe your hairstyle in two words or less.

always changing

What is your favorite song?

when the lights go down by journey

What is the last thing that totally blew your mind.

gas prices of course!

How's your love life?


If there's one dessert you could eat until it hurts, what would it be?

carmel popcorn

When is your bedtime?

depends on the day...usually like 11

Einstein said: "A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin. What else does a man need to be happy?" Customize this quote to fit yourself.

my family, my dogs, and my sidekick. What else does a girl need to be happy?

What is your most under appreciated attribute?

this is for my mom and dad... my willingness to adopt every animal that needs a home haha.. they get so mad...

What is your pet's name?

oliver and charlie

How much can you bench press?

oh, not even the bar !

Quick, how old are Betty and Leroy Thompson?

they gotta be in there late 40s right?

And what are they really doing with all that free time?

playing scrabble for sure.

Will you announce your candidacy this year?

ha! i dont know anything about politics, probly not:)


Anonymous said...

Loved the picture...and the interview. She is a doll___ and what a heart!
Isn't there a career (that pays well) that deals with getting your dogs in movies or running one of those upscale babysitting services. I watched a dog for a couple to go on vacation and they paid me $200.00 and provided all her food.

Anonymous said...


You just as pretty as an adult as you were cute as a baby. That's a good picture of you.

You still haven't put a picture of your other dog on and told about having to get out early one morning---well, you know the story, the one you told me.

I love you,

Anonymous said...


Remember when I gave you that old shearling coat. I insisted you have it. The look on your face was priceless, and in hindsight, I guess you were too polite to say no. It was warm though. Ah yes, good times.

Stephen said...

We LOVE the little rascal! She's a spitfire with as big a heart as her attitude. : ) Kristen certainly knows how to have fun and she brightens a room--whether just being there with her big smile or leaving the lights on all the time!