Monday, October 13, 2008

Bedside Assembly

One of the things that comes along with Jessicas illness, is that when her lungs get bad and she starts to get worn down, she has to spend a few weeks in the hospital to get antibiotics to help her get healthy again....its sorta like a human oil change. Once we got married, Jessica switched hospitals and doctors, and the doctors she has now allows her to do her antibiotics at home so she can still have a normal life. This has been a great blessing for us because I dont think i could go more than a few days without her.

Having said all that, Jessica is currently on her medicine, and that requires her to take IV's every 6 hours on a schedule. Because of that, we could not attend church this past Sunday. What we did instead, was lie in bed and listen to one of my brother Matts sermons he did back in May. I wanted to write this blog to say how proud I am of him and how Matt has turned out to be an amazing man of God, and someone who I look up to. Its strange to say that I look up to my younger brother, but I do. I just sat there with Jessica and smiled, and at the end of the sermon, I just looked at her and said "Matt is amazing." It stinks that I cant see his sermons in person, but the internet has allowed me to listen to them and not miss them. I love you Matt.

P.S here is the link to the site so you can download them if you want to. Just scroll through and find his name. 


Anonymous said...

That's a nice thing to say about your brother Christopher. I hope Jessica is doing okay-she is an amazing woman.

Jessica Johnson said...

Matt, you are a great pastor. I learned a lot from the sermon on prayer. You have an amazing gift. I'm glad I finally got the oppritunity to hear you preach, even if it wasn't in person. :)

Jessica Johnson said...

Thank you Scott. I don't feel always feel so amazing but it's nice to be told that.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Jessica - we will pray the antibiotics do their work well!