Sunday Edition: Phyllis's Photos
Front of my house. Notice porch swing...comfy rockers... Porches are the best!
Mostly perennials with a few annuals for a splash of color.
Back of house. Notice rocker where I have my devotions.Little tree planted by corner given to me by a close friend.
This is another perennial garden in the back corner of my yard. When I was recovering from my knee surgery, two wonderful friends, Faith and Mindy, came and dug up the sod in this corner for me. Another friend, Phil, gave me the rocks that outline it (river rocks) for mother's day, and then Faith, Mindy, Pat, and Leslie gave me perennials from their gardens. Another friend Steve, went to a river and got me the flat sandstones to lay in it. A neighbor gave me the pink rock. So actually my corner garden is one huge gift of love from friends.
Zinnia garden for cutting flowers. Faith gave me seeds from her zinnia's last fall. I planted them and had wonderful flowers to cut and put in vases all summer.
This is my rock garden in front of my house. A man who excavates gave me all the rocks free and a lot of the flowers were given to me by friends who garden or I used seed.
This is me AFTER Sepporah did my make up and she took this picture. This is how she wanted me to smile after the "make-over".
Can you open this picture? This is me with my close friend Faith.
Woh, Phyllis, you had me a little puzzled for a few seconds on that picture of you, until I read your explanation.
Your rock gardens are beautifu!!!
Cool arrangement-your friend Steve did a great job with the rocks.
Yes. You might even say he rocks...
awesome house! nice gardens too.
and daniels' last comment just erased all of my literary respect for him.
Really, Uncle Steve? I thought that cheap wordplay was the secret to your advertising success.
Love the landscaping! Why don't you move that wonderful house to Edwardsville or nearby so I could work in your garden with you? I guess you inherited mothers love of rocks or maybe all those mountains impacted you more than you realized! Either way you created some lovely garden rooms.
Love the makeup too - you taught her well!
Daniel--cheap wordplay is best left to Jason Mraz and amateurs. I fire folks for that. You're fired.
well far we've come...
Just a few blog entries ago Steve was getting on my boys for trash talking....I see trash talking even infiltrates the business world.
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