Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Two Truths and a Lie - Results So Far...

The Best Liars

Chris Johnson - 0 correct guesses
Jessica Johnson - 0 correct guesses
Grandma - 0 correct guesses

Good Liars

Kirsten Buys - 1 correct guess
Phyllis Johnson - 2 correct guesses

Ok Liars

Scott Thompson - 3 correct guesses
Grandpa - 3 correct guesses

Bad Liar

Daniel Johnson - 5 correct guesses

Worst Liar

Stephen Thompson - 7 correct guesses (That's 7 out of 10 guessed on his correctly)

Results for Guessing

I decided that I would not reward or punish people based on the entries of their spouses. So I just didn't include that into the score. Below are the percentage that people guessed correctly.

Trish Mueller

Daniel Johnson

Kirsten Buys

Jessica Johnson

Grandma Thompson

Scott Thompson

Christopher Johnson

Grandpa Thompson

Phyllis Johnson

Mary Johnson

Steve Thompson

Nathan Thompson

Mark Mueller

Richard Blankenhorn

Sarah Blankenhorn

Karen Thompson

Kristen Thompson

Gabe Thompson

Emily Thompson

Midterm Awards

Leader - Grandma - based on her amazing abilities to lie and to sniff out liars.
Blog Sherriff - Phyllis - based on her need to nag, correct, explain, etc.
Smart Aleck - Stephen - do I really need to explain this one?

We are about half way done (I only have 5 more entries that have been submitted, but I am hoping to nag the other 6 into participating).


Matt Johnson said...

If you notice any errors, let me know.

Anonymous said...

Grandma has the advantage of raising us and knowing stuff....she didn't miss a thing when we were growing up.
Her long term memory is obviously still__ very sharp.

Congratulations mom on your LIAR AWARD!

P.S. She is where the floating "competitive gene" originates in our family.

Daniel said...


This is amazing!

I have to say, I don't like to lose so bad, but I guess there's some comfort in knowing I'm a really bad liar.

Chris Johnson said...

I would be lying if i said that i wasn't proud that nobody guessed mine. In fact, I think I might pursue a career in the CIA.

Anonymous said...

problem is....I remember Chris doing something really big at Commerica Park....like playing a game there.

Matt Johnson said...

Chris, the only reason you are good at lying in this game is that no one sees your face. Because face to face you are a bad liar...I'm mean really bad...like one of the worst ever. You wouldn't last a week in the CIA.

Stephen said...

wonder if mom is going to wash our mouths out with soap. I seem to recall that was a punishment for lying. Or was it getting a switch from the tree? I still hate the taste of soap.

Anonymous said...

Do we get to vote again on those with o correct guesses? or will there be a play off?

Anonymous said...

look at Aunt Trish wanting a "playoff"...