Today marks an exact 5 months since my insides were rearranged in a 6 hour game of operation. It's been a long haul but I can safely say I have made amazing progress, given the doctors' predictions that it would take 6 months to even feel normal again. I started felling 'good' at four months and since then have done some camping, ridden bikes, wrestled with the dogs, pushed Nathan around, and eaten a brat. Oh, and I've gotten a great tan to complement my slimmer body. Karen tells me I look downright hot.
I would like to say that I could not be where I am without the support of everyone in this family. From Trish flying up to set some medical folks straight, to Mom and Dad keeping me walking, Phyllis providing a calming influence through my worst days, and Scott visiting to provide some brotherly support--they all kept me going when I didn't know I could. In addition, thanks to Daniel and Kirsten for bringing me cupcakes. I couldn't eat them but Karen and the staff were thrilled with them. : )
And I'd be remiss if I didn't give some special credit to Mom for coming to our house when I came home, and when Karen was down from exhaustion. She fed us both and nursed us back to health. I remember the first day I came home I could barely walk. Same with Karen. In about three days Mom was driving us both to Walmart and around. She really got us back on our feet. So thanks Mom!
I'd also be remiss if I didn't thank my most immediate family--Karen and the kids. Karen wore herself out driving the 2 hours each way between hospital and home. An she spent many a night in the chair alongside my bed when I was being starved. Like the pistol she is, she really let the medical staff know she was in charge and had it not been for her most of the things that helped me the most would not have gotten done. She also kept me groomed--she made me learn to do it myself so I could be self sufficient. I could write chapters about all she did and how much she meant to me--but just suffice it to say she's my soul mate, best friend, and biggest supporter. Trust me--I would be nowhere in life without her, and now is no different.
Thanks too to Kristen for visiting often and keeping me laughing and positive. She is the one who drove Ollie and Otis out to see me while Karen and the nurse snuck me down to the entrance to see them. That was a morale booster! Kristen has a gentle soul along with her mom-inherited feistiness and she was a real caregiver throughout. And thanks to Nathan for driving up from school to see me whenever he could sneak away from his books.
Overall it was the toughest thing I've gone through in my life and I am forever grateful to all who visited, sent me notes, on and on. I love you all and am proud to be part of the Thompson madness.
One last thing. Monday marks 29 years of being married to Karen. Thanks to all of you, I am looking forward to at least 29 more.