Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Grandma Phyllis Represents

Grandma Phyllis shares some pictures and thoughts:

In case you have not met "Raffy"...this is a picture of Cole and his best friend. Obviously Raffy has just told him something funny, based upon the fact this is a rare picture of Cole at age three, smiling a natural smile.

A more pensive photo of the two. Raffy is able to mirror Cole's feelings......

A true Johnson boy....all boundaries must be tested.

Guess who he was reaching for.....

I love those eyes...and those cheeks...and those little chubby hands....and his rolls of thighs... When you kiss his neck, he laughs so heartily!

The secret to Titus strength is supplementing his diet with paper...especially magazines. This is a phote he slipped out of a photo book - in the time it took me to get my camera turned on. He is fast!

Chocolate eyes and blueberry eyes....what a gift God gave me in these little girls.

Our smiling Titus! He has the sweetest personality. He just smiles his way through the day. When he gets is the best, because he will cuddle and let me rock him to sleep.

My favorite moment is when I get to witness them seeing each other for the first time, since the last time. They always squeel and embrace...always.

How do girls this age know how to do the "Paris Hilton" pose automatically. All I said was, "Look at Grandma."

If you have a conversation with prepared for questions. And don't give him silly answers. He can totally bust you if you aren't engaged in the conversation. You can see in this picture how intense he is when he converses.

He was at my house one day, and I was busy fixing his dinner. He wanted to know why his daddy's motorcycle was in my garage. For some stupid reason I said it was sleeping in there for the winter. He said, "It's not sleeping. It is parked."

The oldest Thompson kid with the youngest Thompson.


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure Dan and Cole were conversing about the stock market at that point at the wedding. Sepporah and I were simply making faces at each other. I know I'm certainly no match for those big Thompson brains.

Anonymous said...

If one wants to be reminded of their age, all they have to do is hear their daughter refer to herself as "grandma." That's okay. I'm just glad I can still hear.
