Friday, July 25, 2008

Gabe Gets High

Everybody remember that Titus turns one tomorrow... in fake robot baby years.

Scott takes us into the weekend with a high-flying post:

These pics are of Gabe flying. He has a friend who is a pilot and they go flying once in a while. The aerial photo is of our house from 1,000 feet up.


Anonymous said...

Wow Scott...nice house. Gabe sure is not a bored teenager. Great that he has so many interests. Hey, do you still listen to the Blind Boys Of Alabama? What do you think is their best CD? I got a couple from the library and know I have heard better when they sang on TV. I can order CD's from the library if I know which ones to order.

By the way...for my case you didn't know it, the "Chuck Wagon Gang" still sings. Mom mailed me one of her magazines when Dotty Rambo was killed and going through it I saw an add for the "Chuck Wagon Gang" and could not believe my eyes. Remember how we couldn't stand it when mom and dad listened to them. I thought sure they could not possibly still be in demand. I was wrong.

Daniel said...

Lifestyles of the rich and lame-ous

Anonymous said...


You are some photographer to be able to get a picture like that!

One picture looks as if you are the pilot. Tell me you aren't.

Love you,

Anonymous said...


Blind Boys are not much for entire CD's- they have a few gems on each one. You HAVE to check out Atom Bomb (the song) from the CD Atom Bomb. Then check out the song I Shall Not Walk Alone from the CD Higher Ground. Awesome.

Do you know there is a fansight for that Tilton guy. The fan has collected every little giveaway like prayer cloths and holy water vials. It's funny how kooky that guy is.

Anonymous said...

Oh..he is such an embarrassment. Sometime I will have to tell you about what he did to his first wife when he didn't know the camera's were rolling. Robert Tilton...he is such a con artist. Dresses like a million bucks but is an absolute fraud. I feel sorry for little old ladies that are taken in by him. I am amazed he makes enough money to stay on and live the lifestyle he does. If you even read your Bible you would know he doesn't represent Jesus. There have been Datelines and other programs about him and Benny Hinn...but they keep going. Down here it is Rod Parsley that has a church close by who is an embarrassment. I hate the way he huffs and puffs his sermons right out of the gate...doesn't even pretend to build up to it.And the less material he has to share, the more he huffs and puffs and works the crowd. I remember a funny conversation with Mark soon after him and Trish were married and he asked me, "Why do preachers yell." I said,"I have no idea how that got started." It is true. If you really have something to can be said in a normal voice. Businessmen don't yell their presentations. I love to listen to someone fascinating___ in their knowledge and understanding__ who respect you enough to talk in a normal tone and you actually learn something. Among those would be Charles Stanley, Beth Moore, Anne Graham Lotz, Dr. Jeremiah, Rob Bell, Andy Stanley, Matthew Johnson, and the pastor of James River(John ___) who's name escapes me right now. Well...that's my ranting and raving for the day.

If you havn't read "Blue Like Jazz" I recommend it. He spotlights some of the absurdities of Christianity and what we have done over the years that isn't even the heart of Christ...and how it has hurt people. It made me want to be real and examine everything I do that is "learned" and not really HIM. Things like__ I never went to hear my own son Daniel play...ever. How sick is that...and totally out of fear which is crazy. My absurd belief system was based on fear.

Thanks for the Blind Boys of Alabama info. Have you ever listened to Israel...the black group? Oh...I just got their CD from the library (recorded in Africa) and it is sooooo good. I love African styled music.

Stephen said...

Nice house indeed. Can I use the pool? And Gabe, you should see if you can drop stuff into the pool from 1,000 feet. That'd be a thrill. Cool that you're doing that though. And I just bet you've touched the controls up there at some point. : )

Gabriel Thompson said...

oh yeah, hes got the license but i still do fly the plane a good amount of the time, the picture where im wearing the headset was in a Single prop 1979 Cessna.
The other in a Grob Glider