Monday, July 7, 2008

Big Bertha, Big Laughs

Grandma Betty writes:

When Steve was in high school, grandpa teased him to no end about a girl he called Big Bertha. As it would turn out, she sat by him at graduation. Well, what goes around comes around and this year Steve found the perfect Father's Day card for his dad. I am attaching a copy of it. Steve writes: "I thought this card was perfect. After all the years of teasing -- back at you." Grandpa put it on the refrigerator and we have had lots of laughs. He says it's Big Bertha and her sisters.


Anonymous said...

Have you noticed that the first hurricane of the season is named Bertha-----? And the story goes on!!!!


Anonymous said...

there was never a chance any of us kids were ever going to name a daughter had such a bad mental picture for us...

Thank goodness none of my daughter's from love are named Bertha...

Daniel said...

This reminds me of that joke about why women are like hurricanes. When they arrive they're...

Oh, wait. This is a family blog.

Kirsten said...

I think my "Saint Name" was Beatrice. I hope that doesn't count.