Thursday, July 3, 2008

Sepporah Comes Clean

My adorable little niece Sepporah took a quick break between dance class and her two-a-day cross-training regimen to answer the Thompson Questionnaire. She answered the questions while sipping Gatorade, downing Whey Protein shakes and scarfing power bars. And I'm pretty sure she was doing isometrics underneath her jacket the whole time.


Describe your hairstyle in two words or less.

Hot Mess

What is your favorite song?

Disappearing One by Chris Cornell [This has been confirmed by other sources. - Ed.]

What is the last thing that totally blew your mind.

My baseball skills…like father like daughter.

You might want to rethink the whole, Like Father Like Daughter thing.


How's your love life?

Sawyer is great. He’s potty trained now, so next step is moving out from my parent's house.

If there's one dessert you could eat until it hurts, what would it be?

Cake n’ Shake from Cold Stone.

When is your bedtime?

My dad thinks it is 9 cause that is when he goes to bed….poor sap.

Einstein said: "A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin. What else does a man need to be happy?" Customize this quote to fit yourself.

A couch, a pillow, a bowl of popcorn and a Disney movie. What else does a girl need to be happy?

What is your most under appreciated attribute?

My six pack.

What is your pet's name?

Diego and Shelby

How much can you bench press?

It appears a lot more than you.

Did your dad tell you to say that?


Do you do make every joke your dad says you should make?

Probably shouldn't, huh?

Probably not. Quick, how old are Betty and Leroy Thompson?

Who is that? GG and Gpa? I don’t know……I know grandpa takes his teeth out so I am going to say very old.

And what are they really doing with all that free time?

Getting ready for thanksgiving so they have enough food to feed baby Cole and baby Titus.

Cole's not a baby anymore.

I know, but you are.

Dad's joke?


Shoulda kept it. Will you announce your candidacy this year?

No, but my right bicep might…here, want to feel it?

Ok. Let's go have a talk with dad...


Anonymous said...

Three years ago, (my boss who has three adult sons) and I were talking about our boys and I said, "My absolute favorite thing is being in a room with all three of my sons and just laughing."

They are so funny...all three.
In fact...all the Thompson men are.

Anonymous said...


You are growing so fast. Do something for me. Keep that Daddy of your in line.

I love you!