I had a great sleepover with my nephews, Anthony and Lucas, last night.
After taking a nap to recover this afternoon, we ate a dinner and then Claire went into her room and shut the door. After a few minutes, she emerged, announcing she was heading to "the ball." (At first I thought she said "the bar" and had a mild heart attack.)
The the three of us headed out for bike riding practice. Having accidentally skipped the tricycle and big wheel stages, she's still trying to get the hang of riding a bike, which she got last year from Santa. Thanks to her big noggin, the helmet she got doesn't fit and we still need to go shopping for another -- thus, Dan's close hand.
We took Claire and her pink and purple girly bike over to the park, so she could have a wide open space to practice pedaling and steering (the real challenge).
The original plan was thwarted, though, when we got to the park and all that fun nearby was too much. Claire opted for slides and swings instead of spending too much time on the bike.
Despite the wind, the weather today was near perfect. I wish summer could last forever.
ohhh..and I wish I could be there with you three....
Claire has the habit of celebrating the moment. I love the picture with the wind blowing her hair.
Dan needs to give me back my shorts that he's wearing in the picture. I got those from Hawaii when I had surgery. I don't know when you stole them, but I know I'll be getting them back.
Claire has an amazing imagination. She can hook me up with a bit role when she is an actress.
dont take a double look Thompsons....Dan, is in fact, wearing a pink shirt.
Chris, that joke wasn't funny the first time, and definitely not the second.
Matt -- I'm not going to lie. He told me about commandeering those shorts from you the first time I saw them.
Chris -- My vote says it's red. However, I'm not a legal member of the Thompson clan, so I'm not sure my vote counts.
P.S. Speaking of voting, I met Mitt Romney tonight. He's very tan.
Sorry Kirsten, I saw it first hand on Sunday and it was pink....but because Dan is my brother, and his thompson head defeats my thompson head, i will give him the benifit of the doubt and call it salmon color.
A month ago, before Chris's graphic design obsession, he would have never used a word like salmon to describe color. And just remember, it takes a real man to wear pink.
Actually i got it from a Friends episode where Ross lost his salmon colored shirt.....i didnt want to make the comparison, but Dan forced my hand....i believe Bill Covert wore a pink shirt once Dan...
Um, you watch "Friends," Chris?
Jessica watches them while i read the wall street journal at night.
good grief...just like sitting at the dinner table with friendly family talk...
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